Mac Shortcuts 2024

Basic Clipboard and Document Management Shortcuts

Command + CCopy the selected item to the clipboard.
Command + VPaste the contents of the clipboard.
Command + XCut the selected item and copy it to the clipboard.
Command + ASelect all items.
Command + NOpen a new document or window.
Command + OOpen the selected item or open a dialog to select a file to open.
Command + SSave the current document.
Command + PPrint the current document.

Undo and Redo Actions

Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Command + ZUndo the previous command.
Command + Shift + ZRedo the previous command.

Application and Window Management

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Command + QQuit the current app.
Command + HHide the windows of the front app.
Command + TabSwitch to the next most recently used app.
Command + Option + EscForce quit an app.

Search and Utility Functions

Command + FFind items in a document or open a Find window.
Command + SpaceOpen Spotlight search.
Control + Command + SpaceShow the Character Viewer to insert emoji and symbols.

Screenshots and System Commands

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Command + Shift + 3Take a screenshot of the entire screen.
Command + Shift + 4Take a screenshot of a selected area of the screen.
Control + Option + Command + PowerQuit all apps, then shut down the Mac.

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